Maliaq Padilla

Ulrika's qajaq

Ulrika is from Stockholm and ski backcountry as well.

Camo Tuiliq

I used US Navy Goretex and made a Tuiliq which will be a part of Tuiliq drysuit design.

Inuit country

Paddle 4

Kayak with Maligiaq's autograph.

Next to where your hand is fat and slims to flat like pancake.

That is interesting since there must be something about silent paddle entering the water and mid section being what it is to avoid fluttering.

Paddle 1

There are a lot of paddles here. The link

1. Inland Chukchi: L.99-1/2"x 6-1/4"
2. Kodiak: 62-3/4"x 4-5/8"
3. Norton Sound: 64-1/2"x 4-1/4",
4. Bering Sea Yuit: 60-3/4"x 4-1/4"
5. Norton Sound: 88-5/8"x 3-5/8"
6. MacKenzie River Delta: 99-1/4"x 4-5/16"
7. Copper Inuit: 86-1/2"x 5-5/8"
8. Caribou Inuit: 107-7/8"x 3-5/16"
9. Labrador: 137-7/8"x 2-7/16",
10. Polar Greenland: 103-3/8"x 2-7/8"
11. Upernavik Greenland: 92-1/8"x 2-7/8"
12. Illorsuit Greenland: 94"x 3-3/8",
13. 17th C. West Greenland: 84-3/8"x 4-5/8"
14. 17th C. West Greenland: 86"x 3-3/8",
15. West Greenland (17-1800s): 86-3/8"x 3-5/8"
16. West Greenland (17-1800s): 79-7/8"x 2-7/8"
17. West Greenland 17th C.: 81-1/8"x 3-1/4"
18. East Greenland: 83-1/4"x 3-1/16"

1. West Greenland (20th C.): L. 6'4-5/8" x 2-3/8"
2. Koniagmiut: same as no. 2 above.
3. Nattilingmiut: L. 8'4-5/8" x 4-1/2"
4. Norton Sound: same as no. 5 above.
5. Bering Straits: L. 65" x 4"
6. Koryak hand-paddle (1 of 2 per kayak): L. 14-1/2" x 4-7/8"

From Harvey Golden's traditionalkayaks website.

Paddle 4 by Shaman Kayaks

These are so delicate that I could bring myself using them digging into sand and dirt.

Bending ribs

Maligiaq bending ribs.

Harpoon Head by Maligiaq

Harpoon head top view.

Paddle 3 by Shiojima

A small sample of the paddles created by Mr. Shiojima.

They look good but I wonder if they have any lift at all. They look a bit like chopsticks than paddles.

Paddle 2


These paddles not only have ribs but ivory bones creating a bit of throw.

Maligiaq's Paddle

See his paddle and it has ribs which splits water and a lot less abrupt where handle meets blade.