All things kayak
There are a lot of paddles here. The link
1. Inland Chukchi: L.99-1/2"x 6-1/4"
2. Kodiak: 62-3/4"x 4-5/8"
3. Norton Sound: 64-1/2"x 4-1/4",
4. Bering Sea Yuit: 60-3/4"x 4-1/4"
5. Norton Sound: 88-5/8"x 3-5/8"
6. MacKenzie River Delta: 99-1/4"x 4-5/16"
7. Copper Inuit: 86-1/2"x 5-5/8"
8. Caribou Inuit: 107-7/8"x 3-5/16"
9. Labrador: 137-7/8"x 2-7/16",
10. Polar Greenland: 103-3/8"x 2-7/8"
11. Upernavik Greenland: 92-1/8"x 2-7/8"
12. Illorsuit Greenland: 94"x 3-3/8",
13. 17th C. West Greenland: 84-3/8"x 4-5/8"
14. 17th C. West Greenland: 86"x 3-3/8",
15. West Greenland (17-1800s): 86-3/8"x 3-5/8"
16. West Greenland (17-1800s): 79-7/8"x 2-7/8"
17. West Greenland 17th C.: 81-1/8"x 3-1/4"
18. East Greenland: 83-1/4"x 3-1/16"
1. West Greenland (20th C.): L. 6'4-5/8" x 2-3/8"
2. Koniagmiut: same as no. 2 above.
3. Nattilingmiut: L. 8'4-5/8" x 4-1/2"
4. Norton Sound: same as no. 5 above.
5. Bering Straits: L. 65" x 4"
6. Koryak hand-paddle (1 of 2 per kayak): L. 14-1/2" x 4-7/8"
From Harvey Golden's traditionalkayaks website.
These are so delicate that I could bring myself using them digging into sand and dirt.